

Islam Islamic affairs and information on Islam


Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Headquartered in Jeddah
Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance Headquartered in U.K.
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Headquartered in Jeddah; 57 members, founded 1969
Islamic Fiqh Academy OIC’s jurisprudence body
Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Grouping of 51 Muslim states headquartered in Rabat, Morocco
The Holy Qur’an Electronic text with search function and interpretations in five languages other than Arabic; prepared by the King Fahd Qur’an Printing Complex in Madinah
Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da’wah and Guidance Comprehensive, official site, including date converter and pilgrimage instructions
Ministry of Hajj Official English-language site with comprehensive information about pilgrimages
Three Acts Cause to Be Cursed
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