Usefull Links

- Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
- Arab Gulf Program for UN Development Organization
- Civil Service, Ministry of
- Commerce and Industry, Ministry of
- Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- Defense and Aviation, Ministry of
- Eastern Province Chamber of Commerce
- Economy and Planning, Ministry of
- Education, Ministry of
- Finance, Ministry of
- Foreign Affairs, Ministry of
- General Organization for Social Insurance
- Hajj, Ministry of
- Health, Ministry of
- Higher Education, Ministry of
- Holy Quran Website (maintained by the King Fahd Complex for Printing the Holy Quran)
- Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da’wah and Guidance, Ministry of
- Islamic Development Bank
- Jiddah Chamber of Commerce
- Justice, Ministry of
- King Abdulaziz Center for Science and Technology
- King Abdulaziz bin Saud (Ibn Saud) website..
- King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz biography
- King Fahd Printing Complex
- King Faisal Foundation
- King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center
- Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of
- Majlis Al Shura (Consultative Council)
- Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA)
- Municipalities and Rural Affairs, Ministry of
- Organization of Arab Oil Exporting Countries
- Passport, DG of, Ministry of Interior
- Petroleum and Minerals, Ministry of
- Public Works and Housing, Ministry of
- Riyadh Chamber of Commerce website
- Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
- Saudi Arabian Airlines
- Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority
- Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
- Saudi Aramco
- Saudi Arabian Supreme Commission for Tourism
- Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
- Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)
- Saudi British Society
- Saudi Embassy, London
- Saudi Embassy, Washington
- Saudi Fund for Development
- Saudi Geology Survey
- Saudi Ports Authority
- Saudi Press Agency
- Saudi Telecommunications Company
- Saudi TV Broadcasts
- Tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia website
- Water and Electricity, Ministry of
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