Sign language OK’d by civil status department

The Ministry of Interior’s civil status department has moved to approve a new mechanism of sign language to communicate with individuals with hearing disabilities to complete their procedures for civil status.
The move aims to ease the procedures for this segment of society and help to overcome the obstacles facing them.
Secretary-General for Civil Status Nasir bin Abdullah said that the new service has been launched in Riyadh and will be extended to all civil status offices in the Kingdom.
“Now people with hearing difficulties can receive direct communication as the mechanism will be implemented in all civil status offices in the Kingdom,” he said.
He pointed out that the service will be launched in several stages. The first includes a guidance appendix for the service, training employees, providing a digital board for instant translation and translating printed samples.
Abdullah said that the services offered by civil status in the field of technology and e-government services or administrative organization come within a comprehensive plan that characterizes the ministry’s concern for the interests of the citizens and residents.
These developments result from the royal directives to raise the level of efficiency of services, facilitate work mechanisms and employ technology to serve citizens.
The civil status department is currently working to achieve its vision and mission, which is to circulate high quality e-services in all its offices in the Kingdom and offer the best electronic services to citizens.
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