Grassroots Effort For India’s PM Modi To Address Us Congress

The U.S. India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) announced Tuesday that momentum has been building on a State-by-State grassroots campaign for Congressional invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address a Joint Session of Congress during his first US visit as a Head of State.
According to USINPAC Chairman Sanjay Puri, “A Joint Session of Congress by Indian Prime Ministers follows well established precedence since former PM’s Rajiv Gandhi, Vajpayee, and Singh were accorded this honor. We are delighted about the support from Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, for PM Modi to address a Joint Session of Congress in September.”
USINPAC said activists and Chapter Leaders have actively reached out to their Members of Congress urging their support for such a Congressional invitation.
According to Dr. Prashant Patel, USINPAC North Carolina, “I have urged support from Congressman George Holding (R-NC) and I know that he has submitted an official request to Speaker John Boehner for Mr. Modi to address a Joint Session of Congress in Washington DC. We applaud his unwavering leadership on an issue that is at the heart of such a vibrant Indian-American community not only in his home state of North Carolina but across these United States of America.”
Mr. Vinnie Rao, USINPAC Indiana, noted, “I have urged support from Congressman Todd Rokita (R-IN) because this is the right step to jump start US-India trade and security relations.”
In the same vein, Mr. Aron Govil, USINPAC New York, stated, “I have urged support from Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY) who is a longtime advocate for stronger US-India bilateral relations and I do believe that he will support a Congressional invitation for PM Modi to address a Joint Session of Congress.”
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