Image shows MH17 ‘victim’s ring’ eyed by rebel

Photos of Russian separatist fighters rifling through the wreckage of flight MH17 have sparked anger online.

Photos of Russian separatist fighters rifling through the wreckage of flight MH17 have sparked anger online.

Photos of Russian separatist fighters rifling through the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in recent days have sparked anger online, with one image showing a gold ring being eyed up by a rebel.

The photos have garnered condemnation as some shots insinuate that rebel forces have looted the bodies and personal effects of the victims of the MH17 crash, the Daily Mail reported.

An alleged militia leader, named only as “Zuhk,” justified the images and footage of the incidents, telling the BBC: “We looked at their belongings because we were searching for documents. Then we put them in a truck and took them away for sorting.”

International leaders have criticized pro-Russian rebels who have been working on the site. According to the Daily Mail.

Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans confronted Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko, saying he was shocked with the reports that victims’ bodies were being dragged around the crash site in the eastern rebel-stronghold of Donetsk.

“We are already shocked by the news we got today of bodies being dragged around, of the site not being treated properly,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, the flight recorders from flight MH17 were handed over to Malaysian authorities, while the bodies of 282 victims began a train journey out of the contested zone.

Flight MH17 2


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