UK female doctor poses with decapitated head

A woman believed to be a British medical student who left the UK to join the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) posted a photo of herself holding a decapitated head on social media, the Mail Online reported.
In the photo posted by a Twitter user who goes by the name Mujahidah Bint Osama, two children are seen in the background gawking at the severed head, held by a woman in a Niqab and a white lab coat.
Mujahidah, the female connotation of Mujahid, has claimed she is a doctor working with the militant group.
With the photo, she tweeted: “Dream job, a terrorist doc,” the Mail said.
While the twitter account has been suspended, the British daily reported that she has amassed 800 followers and has previously tweeted photos of dead soldiers and the 9/11 attacks.
Bint Osama also tweeted about treating insomnia and an injured knee.
She has posted praising extremist preachers such as Anwar al-Awlaki, al-Qaeda’s spokesman, and urged other women to pressure their husbands towards militant Islam, the International Business Times (IBT) said.
Bin Osama is also believed, according to the IBT, to be a member of the al-Khansaa Brigade, a female-only group that patrols ISIS’ stronghold city of Raqaa punishing “un-Islamic behavior.”
Aqsa Mahmood, another Briton and a 20-year-old woman from Scotland, is believed to have played a key role in the establishment of the al-Khanssaa.
This follows UK media reports of British female-militants forcing captured Iraqi women into sexual slavery at brothels run by ISIS militants.
The Brothels, operated by the female “police force” called the al-Khanssaa Brigade, have been set up for the use of ISIS militants, according to the Daily Mirror.
The beheadings of journalists James Foley, Steven Sotloff and aid worker David Haines, are believed to have been shot in a desert near Raqaa, where several British female jihadists are believed to be.
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