Border Guards in EP intercept 29 infiltrators

Border Guards in the Eastern Province have intercepted 29 infiltrators during last six months, according to the semi annual report for 1435 AH conducted by the Border Guards of Eastern Province. The majority of these infiltrators were found to be of Asian descent.
Border Guards also foiled two attempts by people smugglers, resolved 11 person-transfer cases and stopped 201 immigrant boats for maintaining violations of law. Conversely, rescue teams also saved 37 persons of different ages and nationalities from drowning, while eight drowned at sea while swimming in restricted waters.
Media spokesman for Border Guards in the Eastern province, Omar bin Mohammed Al-Aklabi said, the numbers of infiltrators and drowning accidents’ victims have been reduced at this year as result of the border Guards’ efforts to raise awareness among beach visitors of marine safety.
“The Female Committee for Marine Safety’s activities also played a big role in raising awareness through various events and lectures highlighting importance of the marine safety,” he added.
“The Border Guards in the Eastern Province usde all possible means to inform the public about the dangers associated with the beach shores, in order to protect the lives of Saudis and expats alike”, he said.
Naval patrols conducted by the Saudi Border Guards resulted in the rescuing of 12 sailors who were stranded at sea off Alkhobar last June when their boat’s engine stalled. The patrolmen also saved an Indian resident from drowning at Al-Mahar Beach. The man was suffering from fatigue and was too exhausted to swim back to the shore. The patrol reached him in time and provided first-aid treatment, thereby saving his life.
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