ISIS claims beheading of U.S. aid worker Kassig

Peter Kassig in front of a truck somewhere along the Syrian border between late 2012 and autumn 2013 as Special Emergency Response and Assistance (SERA) was delivering supplies to refugees.

Peter Kassig in front of a truck somewhere along the Syrian border between late 2012 and autumn 2013 as Special Emergency Response and Assistance (SERA) was delivering supplies to refugees.

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants claimed they beheaded U.S. aid worker Peter Kassig in video, Agence France-Presse reported.

The 26-year-old former U.S. soldier was paraded at the end of an ISIS video released in October that showed the murder of British aid worker Alan Henning.

Hostages threatened at the end of four previous, near-identical ISIS beheading videos have subsequently been murdered.

The United States has been conducting airstrikes targeting ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria.

It is believed that hundreds of ISIS militants have been killed so far with reports emerging last week of the group’s leader serious wounds following a U.S.-led airstrike.

The aid worker took on the name of Abdul-Rahman Kassig after converting to Islam, before his capture.

AFP reported that in a highly choreographed sequence, the militants march the prisoners by a wooden box of long military knives, each taking one as they pass, before forcing their victims to kneel in a line and decapitating them.


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