‘Avenge my son’s death,’ pleads Jordan pilot father

The father of Moaz al-Kasasbeh, the Jordanian pilot who was burned to death by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has called on his government to avenge the death of his son, in an exclusive interview with Al Arabiya News Channel.
What follows is a transcript of the interview with Safi al-Kasasbeh:
“I tell those who may have experienced what we have that to God we all return, to God we return, to God we return.
The pain is deep. My son isn’t just the son of Safi al-Kasasbeh; he is the son of every Jordanian.
Grief is now in the hearts of every Jordanian mother and every Jordanian father.
If I regard Moaz as now being with God, all the Jordanians consider him to be with God.
O Allah! make him a cause of recompense for us to enter Paradise. Amen to God and to all the Jordanians.
I urge the Jordanians to exert patience. This is their character; they are men of principle.
I ask God to consider Moaz in heaven with the believers and martyrs. Amen.”
Q: What do you think of the execution of Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad Karbouli this morning?
Safi al-Kasasbeh:
“These people are criminals who tried to destroy this country.
They [ISIS] sent them.
I ask that this should not end with Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad Karboulia and urge the government, I expect the government to seek revenge, severe revenge for the blood of Moaz against this horrid organization, this criminal organization, this organization that is far from Islam and the spirit of Islam.
This is what the Jordanians expect from the government.
In response to Moaz’s killing, the [U.S.-led] coalition must launch painful strikes to eradicate this criminal organization.”
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