26 saved from the sword of executioner

The Dammam Reconciliation Committee has saved 26 people from being executed for murder by persuading the families of the victims to pardon them or receive blood money.
Eastern Province Gov. Prince Saud bin Naif praised the efforts of the committee and said they are acting in the best interests of the community. He was speaking during the weekly meeting of the provincial council on Monday at the headquarters of the governorate.
Several officials and citizens attended the meeting. They included chairman of the Dammam Reconciliation Committee Ahmad bin Rashid Al-Osaimi and other committee members. Al-Ahsa Gov. Prince Badr bin Mohammed Al-Jalawi, Prince Saad bin Turki bin Fahd bin Jalawi and Fahd Al-Jubair, mayor of the Eastern Province, also attended the event.
Prince Saud said the Kingdom has always sought to reconcile community members. “We have never forced anyone to give up their lawful rights and forgive a killing or murder,” he said.
He applauded the efforts of the committee and its members who travel to remote places inside the Kingdom and even outside the country to contact the parties involved.
“The voluntary efforts of Al-Osaimi and his colleagues on the committee, and the other committees across the Kingdom, are highly appreciated,” he said.
Al-Osaimi said his committee has handled 147 cases, of which 76 involved killings. “The committee handled 26 cases in which the other parties conceded their rights, or settled with financial compensation,” he said.
Al-Osaimi said there were other cases involving family disputes and inheritance. He said that reconciliation could only take place in accordance with Islamic principles. Intervention in murder cases needs the approval of the government, he said.
Meanwhile, the Eastern Province municipality has formed a social responsibility council chaired by Princess Abeer bint Faisal bin Turki, the wife of the Eastern Province governor.
Princess Abeer said the idea is to ensure all social development programs are integrated and share resources, so that there is maximum benefit for citizens. The council would ensure accountability and transparency in its work, she said.
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