Bahrain’s King: My sons will be sent to help coalition forces in Yemen

Bahrain's King has pledged to send his own son, Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad al-Khalifa (C) to join coalition forces in Yemen.

Bahrain’s King has pledged to send his own son, Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad al-Khalifa (C) to join coalition forces in Yemen.

Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa announced late on Sunday that his sons, Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad and Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad, will soon be joining Saudi-led coalition operations in Yemen, according to a report carried by pan-Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat.

“My sons will be joining their brothers in the Arab coalition forces in Yemen as part of their national military duties,” Bahrain’s King reportedly said.

The announcement of Bahraini royalty joining forces in Yemen came after five Bahraini, ten Saudi and 45 UAE troops were killed by Houthi militias during operations in Yemen last week.

Bahrain’s Minister of Information, and the official spokesperson on behalf of the Bahraini Kingdom, told Asharq al-Awsat that “this is the first time such a decision is being taken” and that the young sons of the King “are performing their national duties away from the spotlight in a bid to show their sincerity” to their fellow soldiers in the battlefield.

Speaking to Al Arabiya News, Director of Media Relations for Sheikh Nasser’s office Tawfeeq Al Salehi said: “As far as official announcements go, there aren’t any neither from our office nor from His Majesty the King’s. The news broke after someone tweeted about the King Hamad’s meeting with officials at the Bahrain Defense Forces, but we cannot confirm nor deny at the moment.”

King Hamad bin Isa’s comments came during a meeting at the Bahrain Defense Force’s headquarters late on Sunday: “We share the brotherly sentiments with our fellow citizens at this difficult time. Our sons Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad and Sheikh Khaled bin Hamad were both present with their fellow soldiers in the coalition operations bid to defend and restore legitimacy in Yemen and will continue to do so in their noble tasks.”

Meanwhile, neighboring Qatar has also thrown its weight behind the Arab coalition efforts in Yemen after reportedly sending at least 1,000 troops to the Saudi-Yemen border on Sunday.

A source close to Al Arabiya News Channel also confirmed that Sudan is preparing to send nearly 6,000 of their troops to assist the coalition.

The announcement of reinforcements from neighboring Gulf and Arab countries comes as Saudi Ministry of Defense official spokesperson Gen. Maj. Ahmed Asiri told Al Arabiya News Channel that the coalition will refocus its efforts from the Yemeni capital Sanaa to the major cities of Taez and Marib.

King Hamad bin Isa’s comments came during a meeting at the Bahrain Defense Force’s headquarters.

King Hamad bin Isa’s comments came during a meeting at the Bahrain Defense Force’s headquarters.


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