Bodies of Mexico tourists killed in Egypt to be flown home

Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu accompanied six tourists wounded in the attack back to Mexico City on Friday.

Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu accompanied six tourists wounded in the attack back to Mexico City on Friday.

The bodies of eight Mexican tourists mistakenly killed in an Egyptian air strike are to be flown home on Monday, Cairo airport sources said.

The Mexicans were killed along with four Egyptians on September 13 when they came under fire during a lunch break on their way to the Bahariya oasis in Egypt’s vast Western Desert.

Survivors have told Mexican diplomats that they came under fire from a plane and helicopters.

Egypt said the tourists had entered a restricted area and were “mistakenly” killed as security forces chased jihadists.

Sources at the capital’s airport, declining to be named, said the bodies would be repatriated on Monday, without giving details.

On Friday, Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu accompanied six tourists wounded in the attack back to Mexico City on the presidential plane after having flown to Cairo with relatives of victims to demand answers from Egyptian authorities.

Egypt has promised a full and “transparent” inquiry, although media in the country have been banned from publishing any details on the incident or the investigation.


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