Al-Subaie inspires girls as she scores rare success

From a humble beginning of mobile repair work to an ambitious woman entrepreneur who wishes to achieve extraordinary success in her life, Maryam Al-Subaie is a true role model who inspires girls looking for jobs to repeat her success and make their lives even better.
Al-Subaie today manages a women-only mobile and computer workshop in the capital, where females visit for repairs and maintenance of their cell phones and computers.
Despite being an art graduate, she had the determination to do well in the technical field, which is reflective of her vision to do well and in turn inspire Saudi girls to succeed in this life and the life hereafter by maintaining their religion and tradition of Arabian nations.
In order to seek technical knowledge she worked hard on her training for mobile maintenance and technical specialization for computers and joined a specialized institute in the capital providing skill-based training with access to international expertise in the field of telecommunications and computer technology.
Sharing her success story, she told Saudi Press Agency (SPA) that she was inspired by German engineer Konrad Zuse, who created the Z2, Z3 and Z4, one of the earliest examples of an electromechanical relay computer.
She credits her success to her family as she was helped by them to establish an independent service facility for female workers.
“My dream is now a reality but I want to develop such service facilities across the Kingdom to bring an enormous revolution in communications that will sweep world technique and make way for evolution in communications equipment programs,” she was quoted as saying.
Moreover, she has trained many girls wishing to make a career in this field and now they assist her as she is running the workshop. She has, so far, repaired 48,000 mobiles of women customers, a local daily reported.
A woman customer who had her mobile repaired at the service center told Arab News on Sunday, “She is well versed in the technique and has trained many girls to maintain smart phones, computers and handle other electronic devices.”
According to the report, she receives between 90 to 120 cell phones and portable maintenance, besides the large number of desktop and laptops per day for repair.
Al-Subaie started with a small investment project in 2014 in Riyadh, and now after achieving rare success by realizing her dream she wishes to establish a national project to serve women in various regions across the Kingdom with chains of service centers helping girls who wish to pursue women-only jobs.
Inspired from the success story, Aisha Ali Ahmad told Arab News, “It is really inspiring to know of such a rare success; it is heart touching and motivating to do extraordinary things in life.”
Pursuing her bachelor’s degree in the science stream, she also wishes to repeat the success in her field by excelling in academics.
“It does not matter much in what stream you are pursuing your education, it is more about will power and strong determination to do well in life and Al-Sabaie has proved it. Yes, she is my role model and I wish to achieve the success as it takes you to glory,” said Maryam Hyat, another student in the capital.
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