Kashmir Black Day observed in Jeddah

Kashmir Committee members with Pakistani Consul General Shehryar Akbar Khan.

Kashmir Committee members with Pakistani Consul General Shehryar Akbar Khan.

The Kashmir Committee Jeddah held a meeting to mark the Black Kashmir Day and expressed solidarity with Kashmiri brothers at the consulate on Monday.

Present at the meeting was Pakistan’s new Consul General Shehryar Akbar Khan. Khan said the committee expressed concerns over the Indian government’s policy of repression in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and constant denial of inalienable rights, including the right of self-determination.

He added that in his presence and that of Masoud Puri, the president of the Kashmir Committee, the committee members unanimously adopted a resolution, which underscored that in the absence of the right of self-determination, it is not possible for the Kashmiris to enjoy any other rights as recognized by international human rights and humanitarian law.

The resolution commended Pakistan for its unconditional political, moral and diplomatic support for the Kashmiri struggle and denounced continued Indian occupation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It called on India to stop gross and systematic human rights violations of Kashmiri people and allow international human rights and humanitarian organizations an unhindered access to the occupied state.

The resolution expressed gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for their consistent support to the Kashmir struggle.

The committee expressed gratitude for continued support of the Islamic countries, particularly Saudi Arabia as well as the OIC, for the struggle of Kashmiri people.

It urged the OIC to make efforts to harmonize meetings of its Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir with the meetings of the Human Rights Council and other relevant bodies.

He added that the committee plans to refer the new resolution to the OIC on Nov. 2, with a photo exhibition on the present condition under Indian occupation.


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