Iran bigger threat than Daesh, say Saudis

The opinion in the Kingdom on Daesh is mostly negative, but the citizens consider Iran as more dangerous than the terror organization, a survey has revealed.
A huge 78 percent of Saudis said Daesh was greatly negative and 14 percent said they looked at Daesh with a “negative outlook somewhat,” said the survey conducted by David Pollock of Washington Institute of Near Eastern Affairs.
Saudis look at Iran in a greatly negative way as 42 percent see the latest policies of Tehran as negative and 49 percent find the same very negative, local media reported, citing the survey.
“Only 12 percent of those surveyed expect an improvement in Arab-Iran policies in the coming years. The opinion toward Iran’s nuclear agreement is divided in an unexpected way, as 42 percent said it’s a bad deal, while 39 percent thought it was good to a certain extent,” the survey shows.
The survey shows that Saudis look negatively toward the effects of Iran, Russia and United States vis-a-vis the stability of the region.
The opinion on Russia and the US is similar with Russia receiving 85 percent and America 81 percent ratings in negativities because of their policies.
Pollok included interviews with local employees with a geographical sample representing thousands of adults. Also, samples included all of the geographical areas and demographic features in line with its gross population sectors.
Pollok said the main result that can be elucidated is Daesh doesn’t have popular support among the Saudi public in the Kingdom. He said China and France got better ratings among Saudis.
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