An Unfair Invitation From The UN

Harun Yahya
By : Harun Yahya
The draft resolution to the UN Security Council by France, which announced it would be escalating its aerial operations in Syria after the attacks in Paris on November 13, intended to secure diplomatic backing for this move, has been passed unanimously. This resolution, No. 2249, again emphasizes that ISIS is a threat to international peace and security and asks that all member countries with the power and means redouble their military forces in Syria and Iraq and destroy ISIS’s bases in both.
The main thing about this resolution is that from now on, the legal groundwork is in place for every country that so wishes to engage in operations in terrorist targets in the region without being asked to do so by the Syrian government. Indeed, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the UK Mission to the UN and President of the Security Council has described the resolution as preparing a legal foundation for attacking ISIS targets in Syria, and says that there is no need to seek the permission of the Syrian government in order to do so.
Of course, bearing in mind the tens of thousands of civilian deaths that have already occurred due to aerial operations in the Syrian civil war, it is hard even to imagine the scale of the loss of life, devastation and destruction that will ensue from the arbitrary stepping up of these operations.
France was the first country to go into action. Immediately after the Paris attacks, France sent its aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle straight to the eastern Mediterranean, carrying 18 Rafale fighter jets, one Super Etendard bomber, two early warning and control planes and Eurocopter Dauphin-type helicopters.
France was the first country to go into action.
Harun Yahya
British Prime Minister David Cameron said the following about the UN resolution: “This is an important moment. Today, the world has united against ISIS. The international community has come together and has resolved to defeat this evil, which threatens people of every country and every religion.”
Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said they supported the draft resolution, and went on to state, “There is increasing understanding among countries regarding the fight against international terror.”
Everyone is racing to declare that the world is united against ISIS. However, the scenes of historical horror and devastation occurring before the eyes of the world in Syria shows that it is the innocent Arab, Turkmen, Kurdish and other peoples of the region alone whose lives, families, homes, villages and towns will be destroyed.
German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen also said that everyone must be part of this ‘new global union,’ and went on to say, “The language in the latest UNSC resolutions is quite clear, the fight against ISIS is as much of primary importance to the US, China, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Arab countries as it is to France.”
According to Britain’s Daily Express, following Russia, Chinese military forces have also set out for Syria. Due to the war in the region, Chinese assets in Syria and oil fields in Iraq have long been under threat.
Due to the war in the region, Chinese assets in Syria and oil fields in Iraq have long been under threat.
Harun Yahya
In conclusion, dozens of countries keen for a share of the region’s soils and anxious not to be left out of the game are flooding there under slogans such as “eradicate ISIS” and “the war against terror.” As if in some kind of competition with one another, they are supposedly waging ‘a ruthless fight against terrorism’ that will invariably rain tons of bombs down upon innocent women, children and the elderly.
The attempts to destroy extremist groups through bombing campaigns will do little more than generating more extremists, and those extremists are already present in the West; they regard every assault on the Middle East, on their co-religionists, their cousins and their extended families as a reason for vengeance. That is why it should be obvious that the struggle against international terrorist organizations should now be done through rational and scientific methods, much different than the traditional methods employed until now.
That is of course, if the real goal is to annihilate terror and not the Islamic world.
The writer has authored more than 300 books translated in 73 languages on politics, religion and science. He tweets @harun_yahya
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