50 Houthis killed in battle

Saudi Soldier

With battles still raging at the Saudi-Yemeni border, the enemy is forcing large numbers of its fighters to pass through in a bid to penetrate the border, promising their fighters they are near a big victory, but incurring more human losses, equivalent to half of these large forces during each battle.

At the same time, the joint military force is still in control in every area of the border, deterring any attempts to infiltrate Saudi territory.

Al Ekhbariya satellite TV channel, the Ministry of Culture and Information-operated Arabic channel, featured an extensive detailed news report on the battles. This past Friday, the channel’s news reporter was there on the battlefield describing some of the details of the happenings on the ground, near Wadi Almoghaialh in Jazan, where a surveillance tower for the joint military forces is keeping a close eye on the area. The tower witnessed one of the biggest attacks from the enemy side on Friday.

“About 200 fighters of the enemy forces advanced with weaponry close to the border. The joint military force saw them and engaged them in a four-hour battle, killing more than 50 of the enemy fighters. Two soldiers of the joint force were martyred and one injured during the battle,” said reporter Khalid Al-Janahi.

Brig. Abdullah Al-Juaid, a commander of the joint force who was one of the fighters at the front, described the situation as reassuring. He said: “The valley is full of the bodies of the enemy fighters and we are in full control.”

The enemy was showering Almoghaialh center with weapons including Katyusha rockets, mortar shells, artillery and tanks. Also during Friday’s operations, hostile elements were seen in separate locations moving on the border, but the Saudi soldiers dealt with them opening direct fire, killing 12 of them, and destroying two vehicles and one rocket launcher.

News reports by the TV channel explained that the Houthis and the supporting battalions of the Republican Guard, in addition to the forces loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh, tried to launch more attacks on the border in the Jazan sector to achieve results and occupy locations to acquire favorable positions ahead of the Geneva negotiations.

Khalid Rashid, the channel’s cameraman, said: “I honestly feel that my camera is helpless in transmitting the facts and realities lived by the Saudi soldier on the battlefield while protecting his country. It is not easy at all to show viewers how the Saudi soldier, standing on the border, protecting the country, is very outstanding and different in everything, in his rationale and thinking, in his actions and behavior. He is a true hero indeed. I wish I could roam with my camera the city of Sanaa to register the joy of the Yemeni people for liberating their country.”

Another member of the news team, Imad Al-Ameer said: “What these soldiers do makes me feel small and falling short of doing anything for my country. Their actions actually say ‘My soul is a mere sacrifice for my country.’ They are brave men, loyal to each other and to their country.”

He added that Saudi soldiers possess, in addition to their bravery and good physical strength, high combat skills, knowledge of technical and technological sciences.


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