Shoura to take up case of university administrators

Shoura members discuss a key issue in this file photo.

Shoura members discuss a key issue in this file photo.

The Human Resources Committee of the Shoura Council has promised to look into the issue of university administrators who have the qualifications to teach and have demanded a change in their status.

The administrators appealed to the Shoura Council after they were appointed as administrators, rather than teachers.

The council called for a correction of their employment status, while member Wafaa Tiba emphasized the importance of standing by teachers who have been prevented from having their years of service considered and compensating them for prior service.

During the council latest weekly session, member Ibrahim Abuaba called for coordination among government agencies and the Ministry of Civil Service to put in place regulations about agencies that delay submission of information of their employees, or those who submit inaccurate or missing information.

Member Saleh Al-Husseini called on the Ministry of Civil Service to expand technical services, as is done by the Ministry of Interior, and urged avoidance of centralization by allocating tasks and authorization to branches in different regions, as well as addressing weak training of employees.

On a different note, the committee on human resources, in its report, recommended that the Ministry of Civil Service look into giving appointment and promotion authority of grade 13 and below to government agencies in accordance with specific regulations.

The Shoura approved recommendations of the Saudi Industrial Property Authority to allocate technical and investment areas in the IT industry in order to create work opportunities for male and female citizens, in accordance with a specific timetable that takes into account the amount of investment of industrial cities and their impact on income and employment.

During a debate on the report of the water, agriculture and environmental committee about the annual report of the Presidency of Meteorology an Environmental Protection for financial year 1435-1436 AH, Council member Mohammed Al-Nagy questioned the PME’s revenue source, which the report indicates has declined, and criticized the the report’s lack of clarity about the PME’s efforts to improve the work environment in factories.


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