France, UK tell Syria, Russia respect ceasefire

France and Britain called on the Syrian government and its Russian ally to immediately end attacks on Western-backed rebels

France and Britain called on the Syrian government and its Russian ally to immediately end attacks on Western-backed rebels

France and Britain called on the Syrian government and its Russian ally to immediately end attacks on Western-backed rebels, saying all sides had to fully implement a cessation of hostilities deal and allow unfettered access to besieged areas.

“We ask all sides that are committing human rights violations, including Russia and the Syrian regime, to put an immediate end to the attacks against moderate opposition groups,” a joint statement after a Franco-British summit said.

It added that all attacks against civilians and medical personnel also had to stop and that the Syrian government and its allies should stop their “march to Aleppo, which compromised peace prospects and threatened to dramatically worsen the refugee crisis and benefit Islamic State (ISIS).”

The two sides also called on Russia to use its influence on separatists in eastern Ukraine to stop the violence there and urged the Ukrainian government to unify its efforts to implement reforms.


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