HNC appeal: Save Syria from tyranny

High Negotiations Committee (HNC), Salem Al-Meslet
The main Syrian opposition group on Monday asked international and regional organizations, including the Arab League, to intervene immediately to safeguard Syria’s independence by activating the joint Arab defense agreement.
Speaking on behalf of the High Negotiations Committee (HNC), Salem Al-Meslet said that Russia and Iran are aiding and abetting the present Syrian regime headed by Bashar Assad who is the instigator of all the atrocities that befell the Syrian people.
Meslet was addressing a press conference at the end of a two-day meeting of the HNC in Riyadh, which concluded Sunday.
He said that at the close of the meeting, members decided to appeal to the United Nations to intervene and restrain Russia, which supports the cruel regime of Assad.
“Russia and Iran are considered occupying powers and the presence of their troops on the Syrian territory is illegal, and all agreements reached by them and the regime are null and void, and a violation of the sovereignty and independence of Syria,” said Meslet.
The HNC called on the international community and friendly countries to provide full support and the needed equipment for Syrians to defend themselves and maintain the unity and independence of their homeland. It also called on the United Nations General Assembly to implement its resolution for unity and peace and the relevant joint agreement, since Russia has vetoed the UN proposal to take action against the Assad regime.
The committee also urged UN to resolve this issue on humanitarian grounds since people are being killed ruthlessly and those living are suffering from starvation.
The committee urged all states and regional organizations to carry out their duty, based on the principle of responsibility to protect, enshrined in UN General Assembly resolution of 2005.
The HNC will get in touch with brotherly and friendly countries to activate Paragraph 21 of UN Resolution 2118 of 2013 to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapons in 2013.
The body called on the Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to stop the aerial and artillery bombardment and attacks against civilians and civilian targets, and to put an end to the displacement of Syrians and demographic changes, brought about by blockades and starvation.
“The Security Council should adopt a resolution to take punitive actions against the Syrian regime and its allies who gave the order to use chemical weapons,” said an HNC statement.
The committee also emphasized that it absolutely rejects and condemns all terrorist acts, whoever the perpetrator, especially the state terrorism practiced by the regime and its allies, and the sectarian mercenary militias and troops from Iraq, Lebanon, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah as well as terrorist organizations like Daesh.
The committee called on all political, civil and military organizations to make every effort to protect Syria’s independence and territorial integrity, and defend the rights of Syrians, their dignity and sovereignty, and to form joint political-military committee to develop practical mechanisms to ensure peace and security in the country.
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