Saudi Shoura discusses law addressing food waste issue

The law aims to address the issues of food wastage in Saudi Arabia, which wastes nearly $35 million In food every day.

Saudi Arabia’s Shoura Council has been discussing a potential legislation that will see the implementation of fines on individuals and businesses who waste food, local media have reported.

The law aims to address the issues of food wastage in Saudi Arabia, which wastes nearly $35 million in food every day.

Shoura Council members are suggesting amending existing laws to fine companies serving food in public and private spaces 38 percent of the total bill per serving as punishments should they waste food.

Additionally, the proposed legislation looks to fine three percent of the total bill on individuals and companies who organize private or public events without the proper license to do so.

The legislation is part of a wider project that deals with food rationing and reducing waste that was initially introduced in 2015.

They hope to spread awareness in the importance of conserving and addressing food wastage in Saudi Arabia.


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