KSA provides 12m vaccines for Yemeni children

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid
The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid (KSRelief) provided health and environmental services to many Yemeni governorates in addition to providing principal medical equipment and 12 million vaccines for children.
A report by the KSRelief disclosed its role in financing the World Health Organization (WHO) allowing it to support health services in Yemen with equipment and necessary principal medical accessories, power, water and health resources as well as mobile medical teams.
The support, the report said, reached more than 7.5 million beneficiaries as medicine, equipment and accessories and power reached to more than 288 health amenities in 19 governorates to operate emergency apparatuses. Through the help of the center WHO provided basic health services to refugees and needy governorates in areas that are hard to reach.
The KSRelief provided WHO with thousands of tons of medications and medical equipment through air, land and marine bridges to help a number of Yemeni governorates.
KSRelief helped the organization deal with dengue fever through operating the electronic alarm for early diseases in 1,242 health agencies in 312 directorates. It trained 2,500 health workers in early detection centers in cooperation with emergency response teams, and sprayed 87,199 houses in several governorates with insecticides. It operated telecommunication hot lines for 24 hours to report diseases and emergency situation, including dengue fever.
Through WHO, the center also supported the health amenities through surgical teams as 39 permanent medical teams and 28 specialized teams were sent to a number of governorates including Aden, Abyn, Suqtri, Shibwa, Hija, Almoheiwayat, Sanaa, Ameran, Sadah, Aldaleh, Alhadidya, Hadrmout and Taiz. The teams performed 8,000 surgical interventions. The King Salman Center provided seven emergency vehicles in Aden, Abyn, Aldaleh and Sadah.
Around 12 million vaccines were delivered to immunize Yemeni children against mumps, rubella and whooping cough, as well as diphtheria and tetanus.
Lack of petrol derivatives posed a challenge to the health facilities, emergency rooms, and incubators, but the center was able through the World Health Organization to prevent interruption of services and guaranteed the operation of basic essentials such as cooling vaccines, diabetes medications, blood banks and operating rooms by providing 300,000 liters of fuel for 88 hospitals in 19 governorates.
The KSRelief was able in cooperation with WHO to test, treat and educate large numbers of the population. They also treated 17,280 children. It provided basic medication and trained special staff to deal with malnutrition in children and provided 7 million chlorine tablets to help WHO to sterilize 3 million liters of water for the displaced in the Abyn governorate and other areas like Aden, Alhadidya, Hija and Sadah.
The capital municipality was provided with 9.028 million liters of water alongside providing the Khaiyran Hospital in Hija with 420,0000 liters of drinking water and 90,000 liters to a rural hospital in the Khaiyran Almahraq Hospital.
The center through the organization has provided and set up water tanks and pipes for the health amenities in Sanaa, Aden, Taiz, Sadah, Amran, Hija, Abyan and Lahj. The support comes to the World Health Organization as a continuation to the more than 118 projects executed by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid in all Yemeni governorates with 80 international and regional partners.
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