Saudi Arabia donates billions to aid Yemen’s reconstruction

Saudi Arabia is to donate $10 billion in aid to Yemen, the country’s president, Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi revealed in a meeting on Wednesday.

Saudi Arabia is to donate $10 billion in aid to Yemen, the country’s president, Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi revealed in a meeting on Wednesday.

Of the total, $2 billion will be given to the central bank, while $8 billion will be ploughed into reconstructing the run-down areas, including areas destroyed by the Houthi militia.

The meeting included Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr and the governors of Aden, Taiz, Sanaa, Lahij, Abeen, Al-Dhale, Shabouh, Al-Bayda, and Sukotra.

The government placed the priority on streamlining services related to electricity, health, water, education, roads and telecommunications.

Hadi said, “The conflict is continuing with the terrorist forces represented by the Houthis and Saleh. We will succeed in overcoming them, because we are in the right and we hold the nation’s concern in bringing back normal life to our country.”

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