Israeli soldiers seize boy, shoot dead teen

Israeli soldiers seize boy, shoot dead teen

An Israeli rights group has released an amateur video that shows soldiers seizing a terrified 8-year-old Palestinian boy.

The soldiers in the video are trying to get him to identify people who had thrown a firebomb in the occupied West Bank.

B’Tselem said he “was wandering barefoot outside his house in Hebron looking for a toy he had lost” on Sunday when soldiers “dragged” him around a neighborhood to show them Palestinians they said had earlier thrown a firebomb at a nearby settlement.

The military said Friday forces caught a suspect in the firebomb attack and “due to the fact the suspect was a minor, he was taken to his parent’s home.” It denied he was asked to identify other suspects.

Separately, Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian teenager Thursday in the occupied West Bank and seriously wounded three other Palestinians, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in a statement.

It did not give the circumstances, but said the shooting happened near the Jelazoun Palestinian refugee camp.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said soldiers shot a number of Palestinians throwing petrol bombs at Beit El settlement, close to Jelazoun, but she could not confirm the death.

“The suspects hurled firebombs toward the community,” and soldiers fired in response, she said. “Hits were confirmed.”

Palestinian health officials named the dead youngster as Mahmud Hattab, 16.

Meanwhile, Israel and the US concluded talks in Washington on advancing peace with the Palestinians, without agreeing on one of the thorniest issues — Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

The US delegation, led by President Donald Trump’s special representative Jason Greenblatt, reiterated the president’s “concerns regarding settlement activity,” a joint statement read of the four-day talks, which ended late Thursday.

The Israelis “made clear that Israel’s intent going forward is to adopt a policy regarding settlement activity that takes these concerns into consideration,” the statement read.

The Trump administration is looking for ways to revive peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians.

Israeli settlement building in east Jerusalem and the West Bank is seen as illegal under international law and a major obstacle to peace as they are built on land the Palestinians see as part of their future state.

Much of the international community has raised increasing alarm over settlement expansion, saying it is gradually eating away at prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under pressure from members of his coalition to advance settlement construction, which was a major source of contention with the Obama administration.

The new administration has been slow to curb Israeli settlement announcements and has yet to set a clear policy on the subject. When meeting Netanyahu at the White House in February, Trump called for Israel to “hold back on settlements for a little bit.”

A “principal focus” of the talks was ways to alleviate the faltering Palestinian economy in Gaza and the West Bank, the statement read.


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