Gargash: UAE’s role in Yemen is in supporting Saudi Arabia

He stressed that the commitment of the UAE within the Arab alliance led by Riyadh.
:: UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, stressed that the UAE, with its strategy and national directions, is in line with the Arab alliance, and that cowards will not be allowed to interfere.
“Our historic commitment to Yemen and its people has been directed by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, and was enriched by the sacrifices of the people of the UAE and their martyrdom, and that cowards will not be allowed to interfere.” he tweeted on Saturday night. He stressed that the commitment of the UAE within the Arab alliance led by Riyadh “annoys those who like to tittle-tattle.”
He also stressed, “The role of the UAE in Yemen is in supporting Saudi Arabia, and aims for Yemen’s welfare.”
Call for unity
On Saturday, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) renewed its commitment to stand with the “unity” of Yemen, its sovereignty and its political independence.
He also declared in a statement, “It [UAE] is committed to support the legitimate government in Yemen in line with the resolutions of the Islamic Summit and the decisions of the Council of Foreign Ministers.”
The OIC urged all Yemeni parties to stand with the legitimacy and reject calls for division and separation, stressing the need to reach a compromise to the crisis, based on the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the Gulf initiative and its executive mechanisms, and outputs of the National Dialogue Conference.
Arab League General Secretary Ahmed Abu Al-Gheit, on Saturday, stressed the importance of preserving the unity of Yemeni soil and its legitimacy, calling on Yemenis to reject calls for division.
The Gulf Cooperation Council reiterated its firm stance towards the unity, sovereignty, security and stability of Yemen. He also renewed his support for the United Nations efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the crisis, according to the Gulf initiative and the outcome of the national dialogue and Security Council resolution 2216.
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