Yemen president Mansour Hadi appoints three new governors

President of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi appointed new governors for Shabwa, Hadramout and Socotra on Wednesday.
:: President of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has appointed new governors for Shabwa, Hadramout and Socotra, it was announced on Wednesday.
Hadi also assigned Major General Saleh Qaid Al-Zindani as Deputy Chief of General Staff, and Major General Nasser Abdullah Nasser Rweis as Head of the Operations Authority of the Armed Forces.
The official Saba news agency said that a presidential decision was issued on Wednesday to appoint Maj. Gen. Faraj Salemin al-Bahssani as governor of Hadramout, replacing Brigadier General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, while al-Bahssani retained the command of the second military zone in Sayoun city based in the capital of Hadramout Valley.
The order also assigned Ali bin Rashid al-Harthi, governor of Shabwa, replacing Ahmed Lamels. A presidential decree was also issued appointing Ahmed Abdullah Ali al-Soctori as governor of Socotra, replacing Salam al-Soctori.
The three conservatives are members of the Southern Transitional Council, which is classified as opposition of President Hadi.
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