Trump and Putin to hold first meeting next week

The Kremlin and the White House announced that the pair will meet on the sidelines of the July 7-8 summit of G20 nations in Hamburg.
:: US President Donald Trump will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week at a summit in Germany that brings two world leaders whose political fortunes have become intertwined face-to-face for the first time.
Both the Kremlin and the White House announced on Thursday that the pair will meet on the sidelines of the July 7-8 summit of G20 nations in Hamburg.
Trump’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster downplayed the significance of the meeting, one of nine such side meetings for the US president over two days.
“It won’t be different from our discussions with any other country, really,” McMaster said.
“There’s no specific agenda. It’s really going to be whatever the president wants to talk about.”
The meeting will be fraught with difficulties for Trump.
Allegations that Russia interfered in the US presidential election last year and colluded with the Republican’s campaign have overshadowed the businessman’s unexpected victory and dogged his first five months in office.
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