Cautious calm surrounds the construction of a wall in northern Israel

The fear of infiltration and intrusion is behind the Israeli decision to build the wall for about 20 kilometers.

:: Those who patrol the Israeli border with Lebanon will notice a section made of a concrete wall, seven meters high, on the border of the Lebanese village of Kafarkala, opposite the Israeli settlement of Masjab.

The settlement is located close to the Lebanese village that witnessed an infiltration from a Palestinian group in the 1980s.

The fear of infiltration and intrusion is behind the Israeli decision to build the wall for about 20 kilometers in areas defined by Israel as “sensitive areas,” such as the settlement of al-Mutla, opposite the tents and the Naqoura area.

This is due to Israel’s belief that Hezbollah will try to occupy border settlements and hold hostages in the next war.

Israel will build the concrete wall and change the security fence, in addition to erecting obstacles and barriers to prevent this scenario from happening.

The Israeli-Lebanese border, which is 81 kilometers long, has been relatively quiet for 11 years, but Israel’s current concern is that the construction will lead to a border tension in the presence of workers and troops that might be targeted by Hezbollah.

A defensive strike

Israel has finally hinted that it might target what it says is a missile and ammunition factory set up by Iran in Lebanon for Hezbollah, which could ignite a war.

The head of the military intelligence division in the Israeli army, Herzi Halevi, warned of the strategic threat of this factory that manufactures rockets and ammunition in Lebanon.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, said that Israel was following closely the plant which produces medium-range missiles, surface-to-surface missiles and wouldn’t deal with it “with indifference,” referring to it as target.

Israel continues to conduct military exercises in the northern region simulating the outbreak of war, and the worst scenario would be the launch of about 1,500 rockets per day at the Israeli depth, which may include the occupation of settlements.

The chief of staff of the Israeli army, General Eizenkot, said recently that Hezbollah is deployed in 240 villages in the south, and that every house in every three or four houses contains a Hezbollah forces.

The Israeli army marked control towers created by Hezbollah which are camouflaged as a green environmental community.

Israel is increasingly concerned about the union of the military northern fronts, in both its Syrian and Lebanese sides, so that it can be extended from the Lebanese Naqoura to Syrian Hama.

Al Arabiya observed on two border patrols near the occupied Shab’a Farms, tanks positioned on the front lines, raising the tension of the current quiet zone that might explode anytime.

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