Trump had second conversation with Putin in Germany

US President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Hamburg on July 7, 2017.
:: President Donald Trump had another, previously undisclosed conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit it Germany.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer and National Security Council spokesman Michael Anton confirmed that Trump and Putin spoke privately at a dinner for world leaders and their spouses at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
The conversation came hours after their first official meeting on July 7, which was originally scheduled to last just half an hour, but stretched on for more than two.
Trump and Putin were also captured on video shaking hands and exchanging a few words after they arrived at the G-20 summit of industrialized and developing nations.
Anton would not specify the duration of the meeting. But he said the discussion was casual and should not be characterized as a “meeting” or even a less formal, but official, “pull-aside.” “A conversation over dessert should not be characterized as a meeting,” he said.
A few leaders had their translators with them, but no other delegates attended the dinner, he said.
Trump and Putin’s relationship has been under scrutiny since the election campaign, when Trump repeatedly praised the Russian as a strong leader and publicly encouraged him to hack then-rival Hillary Clinton’s emails. Trump aides have since said he was joking.
US intelligence officials have concluded that the Russian government meddled in the 2016 election in order to help Trump. Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on their findings and dismissed investigations into potential collusion between his campaign and Moscow as a “witch hunt.
Trump to nominate Jon Huntsman as US ambassador to Russia
President Donald Trump has announced his intention to nominate former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman to be US ambassador to Russia.
If confirmed, the former 2012 GOP presidential candidate would take over the post amid ongoing investigations into contacts between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.
Huntsman has twice served as an ambassador. He was the nation’s top diplomat to Singapore under President George H.W. Bush. He then served in that role in China under President Barack Obama before returning to the US to run for president.
The White House made the announcement shortly after it confirmed that Trump had a previously undisclosed conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a dinner at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, earlier this month.
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