Coalition waged heaviest air strike against Houthis in Sanaa and Saada

In the last few hours, the Arab Coalition fighters launched the heaviest aerial bombardment against Houthi targets.
:: In the last few hours, the Arab Coalition fighters launched the heaviest aerial bombardment against Houthi targets, military sites and barracks of the militias in the capital Sanaa and the governorates of Saada and Amran in northern Yemen.
According to local sources in Sanaa, a national security camp located in the north-east suburb of the capital was bombed with five raids at dawn along with the Republican Guard camp south of the capital which was bombed with three raids by the coalition aircrafts.
In Saada, the main stronghold of the Houthi militia, the coalition aircrafts targeted dozens of raids against Houthi locations in the districts of Zaher, Shada, Sahar, Saqin and Ghamr as well as al-Salem and al-Baqaa in the Kitaf district and Jaamala area in the district of Majz. It also targeted militia barracks in Saada city, including the government compound building, the Special Security Forces camp, and the Sifi camp.
In Amran governorate, Coalition fighters targeted vital sites and militia compounds in the Directorate of Al-Madan, a communications station in the Huth Directorate, leadership centers in the government building compound in Bani Suraim District, the vocational institute in Khamar city and the Ninth Brigade camp in Amran.
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