Gargash to Houthis: Your goals are despicable, your threat reveals despair

“The wisdom we’ve hoped for is completely absent,” Gargash said.

:: UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, said on Friday that the Houthi statements threatening to target the UAE and its capital proves why the Operation Decisive Storm was needed.

“The Iranian-backed militias are really dangerous and have vile objectives,” he said in a series of tweets Friday morning.

Gargash added that the Decisive Storm was launched after realizing the danger of shifting strategic balance, which is confirmed by these Houthi threats. He stressed that the Arab alliance is fighting a necessary battle for the future of the region.

“We are not afraid of the Houthi threats and stupidity; it reveals the desperation of those who defend fragmented illusions, and it certainly reveals the intentions for the Arabian Gulf region security and stability,” Gargash wrote.

The UAE minister also said that the challenges we are facing requires more solidarity among Arab countries. He said that the Arab coalition is an example of this solidarity.

Gargash’s tweets came hours after open threats made by Houthi militia leader, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi.

In a speech broadcast by pro-coup Al-Maseera channel in Yemen, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi threatened to bomb areas in neighboring countries with missiles, targeting oil ships on the international shipping lines opposite to the Yemeni coast if the legitimate and coalition forces made move toward Hodeidah.

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