Saudi Foreign Minister Jubeir says Hezbollah hijacked Lebanon

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir attends a joint news conference with France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November 16, 2017.
:: Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Hezbollah is the root of the problem in Lebanon as it has hijacked the Lebanese system.
During a joint press conference with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian, Jubeir added that Hezbollah’s continuous interferences in Arab countries’ affairs will worsen the situation in Lebanon.
He also said that the Hezbollah militia is a weapon in Iran’s hands, noting that Hezbollah’s secretary general himself has acknowledged that.
Jubeir, whose meeting with Le Drian addressed Iranian interferences, combating terrorism and the Lebanese crisis, said Lebanon’s resigned Prime Minister Saad Hariri lives in Saudi Arabia and the decision to return to Lebanon is his as it depends on security circumstances.
Commenting on Lebanese President Michel Aoun’s statements that Hariri is detained in Saudi Arabia, Jubeir said these were false allegations as Hariri is an ally of the Saudi kingdom and a Saudi citizen.
The Saudi FM added that Hezbollah threatens the stability of Lebanon and the region and voiced the importance of finding means to deal with the party. He added that there were practical measures in this regards.
Jubeir also voiced his appreciation of France for condemning the act of firing a ballistic missile from Yemen towards Riyadh upon Hezbollah’s support on November 4.
Meanwhile, Le Drian said he was thrilled to visit Saudi Arabia and noted that his visit falls within the context of the historical partnership between the two countries and aims to enhance bilateral relations.
Le Drian said his meeting with Jubeir focused on Lebanon and on France’s concern to maintain Lebanon’s stability and not interfering in its internal affairs.
He also voiced his desire for Saudi-French coordination in several affairs.
Regarding Yemen and other regional crises, Le Drian said: “We are committed to enhancing France’s partnership with Saudi Arabia.”
The French FM added that they also discussed the nuclear agreement with Iran and Tehran’s policy in the region and voiced his country’s worry of Iran’s interferences and domination tendencies.
Le Drien also said that he will meet with Hariri later on Thursday, adding that Hariri will visit France whenever he sees fit and Paris will receive him as a friend.
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